Storytelling is at the very core of everything we do at Camp Magic. Interactive storytelling gives children a platform to have voice throughout a story presentation, and gives them a place to further develop their own confidence for public speaking.
Each Monday a story adventure is introduced. This tale is woven throughout the camp in all the main activities. Folktales, myths, stories - new and old - open a child's world to boundless opportunities, imagination, and culture.

There is no shortage of Performance Fun at Camp Magic!
Each Monday morning before the children are called to inside, we have an outdoor performance in the playground. Here the children are able to see who all the facilitators are, and engage with them through music, movement, circus flow and song. Parents are also welcome to stay until this time.

Monday afternoons, just before hometime, the children enjoy a longer show that introduces all the skills and possibilities they may learn and experience throughout the week. This sampler acts as a wonderful inspiration and springboard.
Aside from smaller story performances and “surprise shows” placed throughout the week, the biggest performance of all is on Fridays when the children get to share with their families all they have learned. This final showcase is a favourite for the community of children, parents, siblings and friends.

Circus takes what seems impossible and makes it possible. It boosts confidence, utilizes movement, develops unique skills, increases hand/eye coordination to name only a few.
We introduced circus to our program 16 years ago, and haven't looked back. It has continuously provided children of all ages with so much satisfaction and enthusiasm for learning. We are delighted to welcome back professional flow artist Shouniez Van Der Schiff to help train the children with hoops, poi, spinning cloths and acro balance.

Hacky Sacks
Get those feet dancing! Hacky Sacks – also known as freestyle footbags, are a fantastic way to build up dexterity and foot-eye co-ordination.
Especially designed for children, with an easily adjustable seat. Many children enjoy trying these out, and some keep at it until they are riding around – hands free!
The diabolo is a juggling prop consisting of a spool which is whirled and tossed on a string tied to two sticks held one in each hand. A variety of tricks are possible using the sticks and string.
Spinning Cloths
The Spinning Cloths originally started in China many years ago. Great for hand/eye co-ordination.
Flo Staff
Basically a fancy way of saying funky sticks that you use to spin, twirl, and perform with. Great for older kids who like to manipulate objects with their hands!
Plate Spinning
Plate spinning has become a popular
and regular addition to our circus skills program!
Poi Spinning
We have a variety of poi on hand for the children this year. Aside from our regular ribbon poi that are both beautiful and fun to spin, we will also have some new sets of the ribbon poi, colourful flag poi, sock poi.
We offer hand-held stilts to all children ages 5-12 years!
Flower Sticks
These are a gyroscopic form of juggling, and are quite tricky to use! It is amazing how quickly some children are able to pick these up and use them.
The children start off learning how to juggle plastic bags and work their way up to balls!
Hula Hoops
Another regular and loved feature at Camp Magic. This Journeys we will be introducing EVEN MORE colourful hoops!

What can we say – soccer is an all time Camp Magic staple.
The outdoor program always gives children a chance to engage with this exceptionally popular sport.
Whether they are working on their skills or playing games, the ball is one of the first things some of our campers go for during outdoor time. After all, Camp Magic is about offering choice to each child. And even though there are many new activities your children will want to try, old favourites are encouraged too!

Art & Craft
Colour, textile, touch.
Paintbrushes, paper, and glue.
Story, Art, and Play.
Imagination leads the way!
There is no shortage of exploration at Camp Magic.

Boys and girls alike LOVE our arts and craft program. It gives them quiet time to go inwards, further deepen their understanding of the story, breathe, and create. In this ever fast paced world of technology, there is still something to say for a bottle of paint and brush.

Each Friday two pieces of art work are displayed for parents to see. Sometimes the craft pieces are integrated into the large collage piece, while other times craft stands alone. Either way, the children can’t wait to get to their Art and Craft projects each day.

Little Lands
On top of the art and craft program, we also encourage our youngest groups to explore through Little Lands. Here we fill a room with exciting bits of junk collected from homes to create amazing sculptures that turn into free-style story lands. Another favourite at Camp Magic.

Drumming & Rhythm
Bring out the sticks,
Bring out the moves,
We love to drum
And create funky grooves.
For Rhythm is great
Rhythm is grand
It leads the way
In our Camp Magic band

Drumming and Rhythm is everywhere in our programs. Children enjoy being able to hear and play rhythms – whether it’s with drums, sticks, their bodies, plastic bowls... You name it, we’ve drummed it at Camp Magic!!
There is always a drumming and rhythm feature at our Friday performances. Parents often enjoy giving it a go too!

Where would we be without music? Music and songwriting has always been a HUGE part of the Camp Magic experience. Whether the children are learning the Uke, having a go at the guitar, or singing – music is synonymous with Camp Magic.

Each week new story songs are co-written with the children and facilitators that are then presented on Fridays to our camp community. We have been fortunate over the years to work with a number of amazing musicians.
Stephen Cheong has been our steady music guy with each program over the past 14 years. He plays the guitar and uke, and conducts full-on uke orchestra’s with groups of students for our end-of-week performances.

Friday Fun
And now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for –
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, we present to you FRIDAY FUN!!
Every day at Camp Magic is action packed, but Fridays are in a league of their own. The excitement builds every day as we work towards new songs, movements, drumming pieces, and art showcases. When the day finally arrives, the children can’t wait to show off what they have learned and created.
After our final rehearsal first thing in the morning, we break from the Monday-Thursday routine with CARNIVALE.

CARNIVALE features new surprises for the children – EVEN MORE activities they haven’t done throughout the week, baking treats for morning tea, extended circus, music, and art activities.
HOOPLA was introduced 8 years ago and has become a fast favourite with both participants and their families. Here parents are given the opportunity to have a bit of Camp Magic fun too! This is always just before the performance gathering.
Performance & Party
PERFORMANCE AND PARTY finishes off each camp week. The children show off their new skills and show routines, art and craft work, followed by a little farewell party with treats. At this time, we have a chance to say our good-byes and give children their group photos and all the work they have created at the camp.